How to get to Freising – Visas for language courses or studying in Germany

How do I get to Freising and to the school?

Airport and bag

The closest international airport from Freising is Munich airport, Germany. It’s about 15 minutes away from the city of Freising and around 20 minutes from our school. Bus No. 635 goes directly from several airport bus stops to our school, the airport information staff can point you to the nearest Bus 635 stop at the airport. This bus goes every 20-30 minutes and will get you to Freising train station from where our school is a 5-10 minutes’ walking distance.

From Freising train station, there are also Freising city buses that stop right in front of the school at a bus stop called “Untere Hauptstrasse”.

If you feel that it is too difficult for you to take a bus, there are also taxi stands right outside Freising train station. Our school is located on the 2nd floor of No. 33, Untere Hauptstrasse.
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I will need a visa to enter Germany, how do I go about that?

Directly above photograph of an application for a visa.

If you need a visa to enter Germany, a lot will depend on where you come from and what the exact purpose or long-term aim of your stay in Germany is. There is a difference between those students that only come for a short-term language trip and those that will use the language course as the start of later university studies in Germany. For the latter purpose, it is recommended to enter Germany only with a B1 level German language certificate from your local Goethe Institut.

If your visa is any other type such as family/spousal reunification or as short-term businessman, artist or anything else, we recommend that you enquire with your nearest German embassy about doing a language course with us while you are under these visa regimes.

You can find a list of Germany’s representations abraod at:

(Names of the countries are in German, so please translate your home country’s name into German first, if necessary)

Visas for language courses only

In many countries around the world, German embassies do not give out pure language course visas easily but it is possible to receive visas for language courses only. However, your explanation for why you should be allowed to do only a German language course with us for several weeks or months needs to make sense to an embassy official and should also show that you have some personal involvement with the German language or Germany as a country. Just trying to enter the country via a language course visa will not work.

We can assist you with language course booking confirmation letters and also in communication with the embassy and general advice on how to get the visa, but further assistance beyond that point is nearly impossible for us.

Here is our link to the course registration.

And how about the visa for a language course and later admissions to a university in Germany?

Since a lot of young people from around the world come to Germany with the intention of further studies after they finish a certain level of German with us, we are here providing you with the necessary information about further studies at universities in Germany.

First about the visa:

What is important for all those students who don’t come from the European Union is that they make sure they have the right type of visa before they come to Germany.

If you are interested in following on after a language course with us at a university somewhere in Germany, make sure to have the right type of Schengen Visa before you come to Germany. A visa for a language course only will NOT entitle you to go onto university afterwards and you will be sent back to your home country after the course in case you try to get into a university. Also, language student visas don’t allow you to work part-time in Germany. Only university student visas allow you to work 90 days per year or 180 days part-time per year (maximum 4 hours per day). If you are already based in Germany, you can also use this course tpye booking to renew your residence permit in Germany for the purpose of language learning and/or later attending a university or starting vocational training here. If you wish to renew your residence permit with us, you need to pay for the course in full at the registration for the course!

The best way forward, in case you are still in your home country and are already thinking about attending a university in Germany after a German language course, would be to apply for a student applicant visa (In German: Studentenbewerbervisum). The German embassy in your home country should be able to give you information on that. This type of visa will make it easier for you to extend your visa after the language course and once you are in Germany you can directly go onto the university that has accepted you. You can also start the process of application for the university of your choice while you are still in your home country. However, for this purpose, you will need to show an intermediate level (B1) of German at least on time of application to the universities. You will also have to show that you are health insured and have a student blocked account. You can learn German before coming to Germany either locally in your country at the Goethe Institut or online with us. Just get in touch with us about the online option.

This is the most recommendable way of finding out your university course chances before you even apply for our language course and later for the university. Many German universities have a pre-clearance test for many foreign certificates which decides on your eligibility for further study at the university in question. Since we have 16 different states and their individual laws governing universities’ admissions rules of foreigners, there are many different ways to be cleared for university entrance by each university. Therefore we recommend you first check your university of choice and then have a look at its individual admissions rules before you think about getting the visa for a language course which leads you to levels upwards of B1.

Second, about your courses, certificate recognition and eligibility:

One of the most comprehensive websites for foreign, especially non-EU students interested in doing further studies after a language course is the website of the DAAD, the German Academic Exchange Service. It contains general information about how to approach universities and their admissions offices:

Here you can find a general road map on how to approach the admissions process in Germany in general:

Also, if you are unsure about your home-country school or university qualification and its recognition in Germany for direct university entrance you can also check at the DAAD website for its recognition before approaching any of the universities:

Also, you can look up the German-language website for an overview of how German institutions treat your certificates.

Another good website for browsing around in German university degrees is:

Recognition of your educational certificates:

In the case you are thinking of applying to one of the above universities around the Freising/Munich region you will need to make sure that you are eligible for study in a university in Bavaria (the state in Germany in which Freising is located), by sending certified copies of your high-school and potentially already-finished or partially-finished first degree education to the university of your choice which will take a decision on whether to accept you or refer you to a pre-university academic preparation course at a public institution called “Studienkolleg”.

In the case of some universities this test can also happen via an online service called “uni-assist”. Here is the list of universities that use uni-assist as a pre-clearance center:

If you carry a transcript in another language than English (in some places French and Spanish are accepted) you will need to provide a certified German translation as well for these pre-clearance tests.

In case you are admitted by the above-named authorities for university entrance there is nothing you need to worry about apart from the universities own admissions rules about the course of your choice such as limited places, extra interviews or placement tests, but this is down to each individual university.

Pre-university academic preparation courses:

Stitched Panorama

However, if your qualification is seen as lower standard than the German university entrance qualification you will need to attend one or two semesters of a public preparation course for foreign students called “Studienkolleg”. This course is done centrally at one or several study centers in each German state and usually starts once your German is good enough to enter the course. The state-run Studienkolleg usually teaches German and a number of pre-university academic subjects to get you into university at the end. The courses in Studienkolleg are offered free of charge by the German public university system but the general costs for your living will be around 550 to 700 euro per month. You can find more information about these preparation courses at the Studienkollegs’ website in English:


Some German Studienkollegs invite students for admissions test without the necessary B1 level German language qualification and only a confirmation for a long-term language course. However, we do recommend that your application to a Studienkolleg in Germany is accompanied by at least an A2 level Goethe Institut certificate.

We hope that this information has been enough to give you an overview of the options and obligations for you and hope that you would like to register for one of our university language preparation courses soon. Once you know more about the type of course you want to enter, you have been accepted for university entrance and you know which language level is required of you, you can then book a course with us.

Here is our link for the course registration

Other useful links: