Accommodation and host families in Freising

Host Families, Hotels, Hostels and short-term residences in Freising

Places to stay for short- and long-term stays in Freising

Bedroom, Interior, Weiß, Innen, MöbelFreising as a small city, offers almost all types of accommodation. The average cost of living in Freising apart from our school fees is between 500 and 800 euro per month, depending on the tpye of accommodation you chose.

If you are interested in living with a German host family in Freising and the larger region around the city or in a furnished shared flat or single studio apartment, just get in touch with us. We can then offer you different options for your stay with us. Prices per day range from 16 to 49 euros depending on the type of room you would like to get.

If you would like to look after your own accommodation in Freising, we can recommend the official Freising city accommodation brochure or our links below: Freising